Motivation The broad idea of Variational Inference (VI) is to approximate a hard posterior $p$ (does not have an analytical form and we cannot easily sample from it) with a distribution $q$ from a family $Q$ that is easier to sample from. The choice of this $Q$ is one of...
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Transfer Learning
I envision two different ways of performing transfer learning.
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Facebook Analytics Academy Data Science Challenge
I was recently selected to compete in a Data Science challenge organised by Facebook at their London HQ. I didn’t really have a lot of experience with data science tools, so I thought it would be a great platform to learn some cool new things. So I went into it...
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Rapidly Manufactured Robot Challenge (RMRC) 2018
I was a part of the team sent in by the University of Cambridge to take part in RMRC 2018, specifically focussing on the computer vision tasks.
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Integrated Design Project
I’ll be talking about a project I worked on earlier this year. We had the task of building a robot that carried out certain tasks as dictated by the problem statement. I was on the software team, and we also had a mechanical team and an electrical team. The main...
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